#GOALS: 2020 Edition

I know I am not alone in this, but I have to tell you all, I have a really hard time sticking to new year’s resolutions. I went through a couple of years in my 20s where I actively talked down about even making resolutions as they would just fail. Since then though, I have a learned a few things about myself. Top of the list of things that I have learned? That if I write things down and put them out into the world, I am much, much more likely to stick to them.

With that being said, I want to put my hopes and dreams for 2020 into the universe with intention that they will stick. Feel free to comment yours or send me them on Twitter or Instagram and we can hold each other accountable.


Make more time for me.

This is the resolution that covers all the clichés. It’s a catchall for the taking time to get up from my desk at work during lunch and to take afternoon breaks to walk around the building once. This also covers the reminder to get my ass up in the morning and work out.

I’m pretty good at remembering these things, but lately I have felt a little guilty about doing them instead of cleaning the house or picking up Parx early from school. So the real reminder is that I deserve to have that hour or so for me and to try not to let the mom guilt eat away at me especially since my mom guilt is about to be doubled!

Resources I find helpful:


Grow our emergency fund.

In my opinion, this is the least fun of my resolutions, but definitely the smartest. Now that we have two kids who rely on us, we want to have six months of expenses saved up in case of an emergency.

So we’ll probably skip a big vacation this year, hold off on renovating some things on our home that I would really really love to do, and I’m going to GASP make coffee at home instead of going to Starbucks so much. Is it fun? No. Does it help me sleep better at night? For sure.

Resources I find helpful:


Do more stuff.

We’re holding off on things like skiing in the Alps because our kids are so young and won’t remember them, but that doesn’t mean we need to skip out on great local adventures.

I made a goal last year to go to a new park or local event every weekend. We were doing pretty well until I got pregnant and became a hermit. So it’s time to bring it back. I also want to take more trips to the beach because we live too close to not go put our toes in the sand a few times a month.

Resources I find helpful:

  • Yelp: Things to do near me


Document the stuff.

I spent a lot of my 20s documenting every waking second. I was used to the bad side of social media and was able to easily ignore the comments about my life and relationships. But when the comments were towards my husband and he expressed to me how badly he was hurt, I shut it down. Because of this, I’ve spent much more time living in the moment and kind of forgotten how to save things for the future.

I have a really nice camera, the best iPhone money can buy, and literally all of the equipment needed to put together some really fun stuff. I think I should start doing that again.


Share it.

So with that being said, my final resolution is to share a little more. Since 2015 I have lost 30% of my Instagram followers. The people who were so cruel are gone and I am thankful for that. I am also just a regular ass person so I never really understood why anyone followed along in the first place, but the point is, I really enjoy making stuff. Sharing outfits, blog posts, videos, something funny I thought of that probably isn’t that funny… it’s just fun and it will be good to be back.

So those are my resolutions. Officially out in the world for all to hold me accountable to complete!

It’s a big year for our family as we’ll be adding a baby brother to the mix in April 2020 and I want to make him proud.

P.S. I still would love everyone’s suggestions on unique baby boy names. Our front runners are Stone, Knox, Walker, and Chet - but I don’t love love any of them like I loved Parx. I’m also worried we are getting a little too weird and should just name him like Jeff or something. Geoff? Whatever. Names are stressful :)

I would love to hear your goals/resolutions as well! I get most of my best ideas from someone else on the internet so please share! AND HAPPY 2020!